There's been an empty space in my life for twenty years. Playing the games Warrior's Tale is based on was only done through game system rentals for me. It was a tedious and costly undertaking for me to dedicate myself to those games (Wiz, Bard's). Still feeling a money crunch, I'm on cloud 9 right now, discovering your site. I hope I can make this work on my humble system. Your considerable talents will allow me an escape I might otherwise find difficult to obtain. Your logic regarding this style of gameplay is dead-on. Now it's 2008 and I've searched the gaming industry without success for a style of entertainment that suits me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you never tire of using your ability to create this type of intelligent gaming opportunity. I plan to favor this site. Donation forthcoming and richly deserved. Sincerely, Sasskwatch.
There's been an empty space in my life for twenty years. Playing the games Warrior's Tale is based on was only done through game system rentals for me. It was a tedious and costly undertaking for me to dedicate myself to those games (Wiz, Bard's). Still feeling a money crunch, I'm on cloud 9 right now, discovering your site. I hope I can make this work on my humble system. Your considerable talents will allow me an escape I might otherwise find difficult to obtain. Your logic regarding this style of gameplay is dead-on. Now it's 2008 and I've searched the gaming industry without success for a style of entertainment that suits me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you never tire of using your ability to create this type of intelligent gaming opportunity. I plan to favor this site. Donation forthcoming and richly deserved. Sincerely, Sasskwatch.
Hey Sasskwatch, thanks for the praise! I hope it works for you and that you enjoy it.
Be sure to check the site throughout the next couple weeks or so. I'm working on a new one dedicated solely to Flash games :)
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